caldwell’s pipes 

Caldwell’s Pipes came to us asking for three photoshoots for social, web, and branding content. They wanted content for an Outdoors/Adventure setting, Live Music, and Indoor shoot.

Outdoor Photoshoot

Client: Caldwell Pipes

Agency: Cannabrand

Role: Strategist & Production Lead (Location Scouting, Planning + Scheduling, Casting, Styling Direction, Mood boards + Shot Lists, Set + Props, On Set Direction), Concept Development, Photo Selection, End-to-end Production

Photographer: Sebastian Jelen

Live Music Photoshoot

Client: Caldwell Pipes

Agency: Cannabrand

Role: Strategist & Production Lead (Location Scouting, Planning + Scheduling, Casting, Styling Direction, Mood boards + Shot Lists, Set + Props, On Set Direction), Concept Development, Photo Selection, End-to-end Production

Photographer: Sebastian Jelen

Indoor Photoshoot

Client: Caldwell Pipes

Agency: Cannabrand

Role: Strategist & Production Lead (Location Scouting, Planning + Scheduling, Casting, Styling Direction, Mood boards + Shot Lists, Set + Props, On Set Direction), Concept Development, Photo Selection, End-to-end Production

Photographer: Sebastian Jelen